CanBuild Design & Consultants(Shenzhen) Co. Ltd is a design consultancy company established in Shenzhen with bases from Hong Kong providing design & consulting services in PrecastConcrete(PC),Glass Reinforced Cement (GRC) and Glass Fiber Reinforced Plastic(GRP) fabrication and installation for a variety of clients in various regionsin Asia, Europe and Australia. The firmspecializes in the design and installation of precast concrete facade,GRC/GRP/GRG Cladding and has the capacity to provide full range of servicesfrom design to supply of precast /GRC/GRP/ GRG products and installation on siteincluding consulting services in design planning at the beginning stage,structural design of the precast concrete / GRC /GRP / GRG products and theassociate works, preparation of the construction/fabrication/productiondrawings, undertaking the production/fabrication of the products in thefactory, arranging transportation for delivery of the products to theconstruction site and providing technical support for and/or carrying out theinstallation works.
The company has a strong foundation in the precast industry, coremembers of the company come from some of the prominent engineering constructionfirms in precast concrete works and GRC products companies in Hong Kong in thelate 90 century and have involved in the design and construction of the precastconcrete works and GRC/GRP/GRG claddings for various prestigious projects inHong Kong and Macau.
In the past, we have links with some of some notable internationalarchitectural consultancy firms (such as Foster, USA SOM, etc) and have successfully completednumerous prestigious projects in various countries and districts over the worldincluding Hong Kong, Macau, South East Asia, Middle East, Mainland China, USA,Europe and Australia.
The company’s principle is to serve the clients in the best way bymeans of providing economic and optimum design to meet the clients’ requirementand to finish the works on time. Because of such, the company has developedreputation among the clients.